November 2020

Hair falling

Falling out of hairs is a common phase among the major events of the life cycle of a hair. When there is a shedding, a new strand grows out at its place. A person normally sheds about seventy to hundred strands per day, but when a person starts losing his hairs more than usual, and […]

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What is the Norwood scale

What is Norwood Scale

What is the Norwood Scale? Is a familiar topic which should be discussed. It is the curiosity for every person to get knowledge about it. It is the leading classification system that is used to measure the extent of male pattern baldness. Men usually lose their hair in one of few common patterns over the course

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Pimples after hair transplant

Pimples after hair transplant

Pimples after hair transplant procedure are one of the most commonly occurring side effects. Pimple referred to the raised spot that is inflamed and may be present with pus or not. Medical terminology used for scalp pimple is folliculitis i.e. inflammation at the surrounding site of follicles. It is considered a normal sign of hair

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low iron level linked to hair loss

Low Iron hair loss

  Low iron level linked to hair loss is common in both genders. Alopecia or baldness is caused by various factors. One of the main causes of baldness is nutritional deficiency. Inadequate diet or diet lacking in essential nutrients cause many health related problems including gastrointestinal disorders, decrease in bone growth, mental health problems, skin

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Hairlines types

  What are different types of hairlines for women and men? Is a very frequently asked question among people. Before discussing these different forms, we must know about this topic. Hairline is basically the edge of a person’s hair, particularly on the forehead. It varies for both of these generations. This difference is due to

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Hair density

  What is hair density and why does it matter? A lot of people are concerned about this question as hairs not only complete physical looks but good hairs also do add confidence in one’s personality. Losing strands or thinning makes people aggressive and depressed, especially those who are highly concerned about their looks. Hair

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