
Hairlines types


What are different types of hairlines for women and men? Is a very frequently asked question among people. Before discussing these different forms, we must know about this topic. Hairline is basically the edge of a person’s hair, particularly on the forehead. It varies for both of these generations. This difference is due to the position, pattern, shape and flow of hairs for males and females. To create a natural appearance, understanding these differences between male and female is of critical importance in transplants and also in hair lowering surgeries for both males and females. Male and female also differ in ageing pattern and directional flow of hairs. If one’s frontline looks different from others’, he may be wondering if he has the normal or not. If someone is dealing with unnatural recession. There is a fact that there are so many different types of frontlines out for both males and females that it would be hard to keep track of them all. Here is a brief overview and discussion of some of the most common hairlines types that will be helpful for you to get an answer for this question.


What are different types of hairlines for women and men? Can be understood by discussing these variances regarding positions, flow and pattern of hairs. Firstly, we discuss about the variations due to position of it. For a male, it is mostly found further back on the skull than a female one. It creates the appearance of a larger, more prominent forehead for males. This is highlighted even more due to the ageing of boundaries. Now the second variation is due to the shape.  Regardless of the position, the shape is different as well. A male typically has receded shrines that give the hair edges an “M” shape. Conversely, the female hair pattern is usually oval-shaped. Later one is smoother and full around the facial edge. The temporal area is one of the most significant areas. As it is a hallmark of female beauty, the shape of the outer temple area is particularly important.

Female hairline types

What are different types of hairlines for women and men? has a brief discussion. As so far, we have discussed two major variants; shape and position, but the list of these differences is very long. The next one which has a very impressive impact on male and female appearances is ageing pattern. An additional and significant variation between male and female comes with age. There is usually a male pattern of baldness with a recession of frontline. This is the one, that usually won’t occur in females. However, biological females sometimes get suffer from hair loss, it is usually an all-over thinning of the hair from the entire scalp and isn’t specifically targeted to only a particular area. Although male pattern hair loss is unwanted and uneven for most of the males, it can be particularly distressing for trans-females as it serves as a physical and appearance sign of an uneven male phenotype. A receded one or a bald spot in the crown may pose a significant impact when completing a male to female appearance. 

What are different types of hairlines for women and men? has a basic variant that causes variations in male and female. This one is the direction of angles in the frontline. Finally, hairs that grow in the male front are mostly opposite in direction and flow to those in a female. The angles in a male are projected almost straight forward, whereas the female has its angle in a cowlick with a slight whorl pattern, that aims in a principally backwards facing direction. The Hairstyle alone may often make feminine looking. Also, the Bangs can make one’s face appear more feminine and can even hide the frontal bossing as well. In addition to these, wigs can be used to cover or hide the male pattern baldness, but these types of solutions are simple ones and not the permanent solutions that most people want. Many trans female want their own growing, natural, real hair in a fashion and style that aligns with their desired gender and taste.

What type of hairline can be reconstructed after a hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan?

Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry always gives frontline keeping in mind according to facial features of the patient. Before proceeding for the procedure, always withdraw and suggest a frontline. Surgeons should understand that hairline is a permanent landmark after the procedure and one should always keep in mind future life expectancy so that it would not look artificial or too high or low.