Body hair transplant

Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is performing body hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan successfully for the last many years. He has performed more than 400 cases on different patients. The results are satisfactory and according to the expectations of patients.  Normally the donor area of the scalp is used for hair restoration procedures. All patients do not have adequate donor area in the back and sides of the scalp and then we have to opt for BHT procedure.  Hairs from chest, legs, arms ,beard and back are almost similar in structure and can be used for head transplantation. However before undergoing body hair extraction in Lahore Pakistan , Dr. Ahmad will examine hair texture, structure and density of chest, abdomen, back, beard and legs hairs. As case selection is very important for satisfactory results. Our body has a large donor area and these grafts can be used to achieve maximum area coverage in the scalp. If you are searching for a body hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan, you are at the right place and clinic.


Body hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan- specialist clinic 

Hairs from our body can be removed by Fue technique as we have to extract each follicle individually, leaving no linear scar. These grafts can be extracted in one day or 2 to 3 days depending upon number of grafts availability and requirements. It is routine for Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry to extract 1000 grafts per day from body and then implant these on the head. As orientation and angle is different so these need more time and skill.

body hair transplant in Pakistan

Suitable Patients or candidate

All patients are not suitable candidate for body hair extraction and there are some limitation and criteria to undergo for this procedure.

  • Some patients already had strip or FUT procedure and do not have good result and no more donor area available in the scalp. But such patients have enough number of hair on the body can be good candidate for BHT.
  • There are some patients who do not have enough donor area Naturally and such patients can be considered for beard and chest hair extraction and use of these grafts to head.
  • Density should be adequate or 40 FU/ square centimeter.
  • There should be structural similarity between head and body hairs.
  • There should be adequate number of follicles which contain 2,3 hairs.

Body hair use to head Cost and technique

Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is an expert and experienced surgeon qualified from Paris France and has twenty years experience. He has performed sufficient number of cases and references of previously treated patients, if someone want to meet and talk with them. He is an authority in in Pakistan. BHT-Body hair transplant cost in Lahore Pakistan is 1.00$ or 150 Rupee per graft or root. Normally one day procedure consists of 1000-1500 grafts from body. 

Where can I get a body hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan?

There is no consultation fee if you want to discuss your baldness problem and want to use your beard and chest hair to head. Cosmoderma clinic is the best place where you can find an expert who will perform and use your beard, chest, and abdomen, back and legs hair to head.

Who is the best surgeon for body hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan?

Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is a best surgeon who is qualified and trained from Paris France and has 23 years experience. Due to his vast experience in hair restoration and body hair extraction, he knows the direction, angle of grafts in the body and takes grafts out from the body with minimal transection rate.

What is the cost for body hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan?

Body hair extraction is a highly skilled and delicate procedure. It needs special instrumentation and handling. Cosmoderma clinic charges are 0.70$ or 150 Rs per graft. To get a free estimate of grafts and cost , please do not hesitate to send us your baldness area photos through WhatsApp.

When considering hair transplants, what is the success rate in both body-to-head and normal hair transplantations?

To treat baldness , hair restoration surgery is the permanent solution among men. The success rate is 94% to 99% if performed by the qualified and trained surgeon and his team. However, there are many cases where this surgery does not produce excellent results. There are many causes for its failure. It could be from the surgeon and his team side which include dehydration of the grafts, crushing while extracting the grafts, too much long period outside the body, inappropriate handling of the grafts.  The success rate body to head is more than 98% if performed by an experienced and skilled surgeon. Complete grafts extraction from the beard, chest , abdomen or back need a lot of expertise and skill. There are very few skilled surgeons who can perform this procedure successfully. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is routinely performing beard hair to head as well as body hair to head. However, 50% grafts usually fall permanently 3 to 5 years after the procedure. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of body hair to the head. 
Most recently Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry developed a new technique where one can regrow hair without hair restoration surgery. However, before undergoing this latest technique, your scalp complete analysis and trichogram is required. It is performed FREE without any charges at our clinic in Lahore. 
Body hair transplant Lahore Pakistan

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