FUE 2644 grafts hair transplant results Lahore


Best hair transplant results in Lahore Pakistan are one of the major concerns for most of the people who want to get rid of the baldness and to get younger looks again. Typically, it is a method in which the follicles are used to get rid of baldness. These follicle units are taken from different parts or sites of the body, most commonly like abdomen, chest and also from the public areas. This method can be applied to any other part where the growth is required. Those people who are tired of their bald look can use this method to get rid of this anxiety and can adopt their younger looks again. 500 to 4000 graft units can be extracted depending upon the demand and the receiver’s condition. It can be attained under local anesthesia and supervision of expert doctors of this field. The results can be much better when the treatment and surgery techniques are better.

Hair growth hair loss treatment without surgery

FUE DHI 2644 grafts hair transplant results Lahore


FUE DHI the best hair restoration technique 

Best hair transplant result depends on the technique you have chosen for the treatment of your androgenetic alopecia.  One of the good techniques is FUE. FUE results have surprised everyone and this treatment is a great feat in the field of cosmetic surgery. It is the updated and latest method of treating baldness and many doctors are practicing it around the world. It is a sigh of relief for those who are sad because of their hair loss. In Follicular Unit Extraction method, grafts units containing hairs along with follicles are plucked from the hair bearing donor area on the head or any body part, with the help of micro motors after giving small circular incisions. Then these grafts are planted in the skin of the recipient area. This whole procedure is done under local anesthesia and it requires 6 to 7 hours for the completion. Around 3000to 4000 grafts are required to cover complete baldness. Each graft unit contains almost 2 to 4 follicles. This technique is nowadays preferred over the old conventional methods like strip excision because of its various advantages and benefits. The results are excellent due to this FUE method.

No Stitches & No linear incision method 

Best Hair Transplant results in Lahore Pakistan specially FUE outcomes are such good enough that patients are much impressed by them. They get astonished when they observe hair growing back on their barren heads after few months. Because small circular incisions are given, there is no need of stitches because the wounds heal themselves quickly. After the recovery there will be no scar marks left in the area of surgery. The hair will appear quite natural. This treatment is highly successful and the success rate is around 90% to 92%. It is a permanent treatment of baldness and long-lasting effects are seen. As the follicles are also transplanted along with the graft units, the follicles continue to grow at the normal pace once the recovery time is over. These outcomes can easily be estimated by the facts that this technique is much advance and beneficial for the patients because it includes the use of thin needles, instead of a scalpel which were used in the past in other methods. Also, this method is much beneficial for the patients as the donor areas heal in just a couple of days. Due to this reason, there are no scars and no need of stitches. The physicians all over the world use this procedure for the recreation of permanent and natural looking outcomes. The growth can give people the hope, to get them younger looks again. 

Things to avoid after procedure

Best hair transplant results can be achieved by some doctors’ recommendations. Doctors recommend the patient to take care of their surgery after the procedure. Patients are advised not to do any strenuous work for at least two days because it may disturb the treated ones. After two days, patients may continue their normal routine work. It takes some time before the final outcomes are achieved. Patient may feel that their follicles are not growing at a good pace or are shedding in the first 2 to 3 months of the treatment. But it is not a matter to worry because it is quite normal for the grafted ones to fall but they will grow back from the follicles planted in the skin. After 6 months, people start observing considerable improvements and the full effects are seen after 1 year. The better the aftercare is done; the better will be the final outcomes. Patient can trim and dye their follicles after considerable time has passed usually 1year after the treatment.

How to get best hair transplant results?

A best hair transplant result is a topic of great importance. It tells us that people are worried about the outcomes of the surgery so people can relieve their worries by knowing that a general report tells us that 3 out of 4 individuals who experience this method get a highly improved outcome. The failures include some irritating and skin problems which can be easily removed by ointments. This technique, in regard to appearance and outlook, can be quite helpful and effective if the donor’s follicle units are healthy. There are many advantages or benefits of these methods. Doctors and specialists typically move to this step either to preserve other donor areas of scalp which are unhealthy enough to serve the purpose, or when patient is totally bald. Due to advanced techniques used, chances of infections are much less and there is no need of stitches because the minute incisions heal themselves. Consequences are long lasting and the success rate is really awesome. The grafts can fall after couple of weeks but it is completely a normal phenomenon, and they will grow back on their own and appreciable growth is observed after 6 to 8 months. Good outcome is usually necessary for the people to get sure for their baldness treatment.

Fue DHI 2644 grafts hair transplant results before after photos 

Fue DHI 2644 grafts hair transplant results after 6 months in Lahore at Cosmoderma clinic by Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry


Before procedure front view


Marking designing front head

One day after hair transplant procedure


Post op hair transplant photo


Post op hair transplant photo day 1


Fue procedure photos left view


Best hair transplant results in Lahore six months later

Frequently Asked Questions

Can FUE technique give the best hair restoration results in Lahore?

Yes definitely F.U.E. procedure is currently the most advanced and latest technique for hair restoration surgery. This technique can give excellent coverage if performed by an experienced and skilled surgeon. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry performed the above patient procedure through follicular unit extraction technique. The improvement & look improvement is comparable to any best clinic in the world.

What is the cost range of the best hair transplant results in Lahore?

The cost range for the best procedure is 75000 to 150,000 Pak Rupees depending upon the number of grafts and technique.

How can I book an appointment with the surgeon producing the best hair transplant results in Lahore?

To book an appointment and FREE consultation you may call or WhatsApp +92-333-430-9999

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