Hair restoration best treatment depends upon the condition or severity of the problem. Several options are available to control shedding. These include from simple to complex procedures. New advances have been made in this field day by day. FUE and FUT are among the most commonly employed procedures to get a redefined hairline and coverage of pattern baldness. These are applicable to a wide range of population however, the most appropriate technique that might suit someone is often found by having consultation with a dermatologist. Different people have different expectations after a transplant. Moreover, FUE and FUT are mostly carried out when there are enough grafts at the donor site. We can conclude that surgical procedure which might be ideal for one person might not give the same results in the other person. The first procedure was introduced in japan in 1939. It involves transfer of large tufts of hairs. This was called the plug technique and was in practice for quite a time period. The main problem that was highlighted by the patients was artificial look or unnaturalness on the recipient area. Later on, efforts to improve this problem led to development of new and advanced techniques.
Hair restoration best treatment in Lahore for baldness
In the patients who have been losing hair as a result of medical treatments such as chemotherapy, stress and inflammatory conditions, the hair loss can be reversed by eliminating the causative factors. New hairs grow in a few days quitting chemotherapy, radiation therapy and treating inflammatory conditions. If shedding or thinning is due to stress, meditation helps to reverse. Taking insufficient diet can lead to malnutrition and this can also trigger shedding. In such cases, improving the dietary intake and including a protein rich diet can be a better option. This shows that surgical procedures are good option when balding or thinning is due to injury or genetic factors.
Most effective hair regrowth treatment Lahore Pakistan
Hairs can be grown effectively by an aggressive home treatment plan which does not require high expenses and surgical procedure. This includes using minoxidil and DHT blocker in combination with a low level laser. Minoxidil and DHT blocker are over the counter medications for improving hair growth. Laser emitting bands are wearable devices that emit low intensity lasers that transmit energy to the follicles and help in regrowth. Studies have shown that if used concomitantly, have synergistic effect and increase circulation to the scalp.
How it works?
Different approaches are available and they work differently among different individuals. People who have enough follicles on the donor sites can go for FUE and FUT hair transplant. These procedures are efficient for treating receding hairlines. The major drawback of FUT procedure is the visible scar which can be minimized by choosing FUE in which follicular units are extracted instead of strips from the donor area. A few months are needed for results. It is an invasive treatment though growth that is seen in almost all cases.
Best treatment for baldness Lahore Pakistan
The best hair restoration treatment available so far, the minimum possibility of side effects is the F.U.E. technique. It also predicts the healthy follicles which can be used. The chances of personal errors are minimized in this technique. An expert team under the supervision of the surgeon then implants the extracted follicles in the recipient’s area. High precision and accuracy are the main benefits of this technique, however it is an advanced technique and requires skill. The surgeon uses his skill and expertise in this technique. Some more procedures offering the maximum benefits and minimum chances of complications include the regrowth treatments.
Does anything really regrow hairs?
Treatments usually work by re-growing the hairs if the baldness is not permanent and complete. It also depends upon the growth of follicles; which are small structures that support the growth of shafts. if the follicles are dead, they might not be able to support growth again. Similarly, scarred and disappeared follicles cannot initiate stimulation of roots.
Will baldness be cured by 2024?
Scientists are working to discover new procedures for regeneration. A new drug entity SM04554 is expected to undergo its third phase of clinical trials. It works by reducing the shedding by a protein pathway that helps in regulation of regeneration by surface cell receptors. This medicine is supposed to increase the active follicles, stop falls and repair follicles. This medicine is a big step towards curing baldness but it is in the trial phase and needs some time to get approved by FDA and be available to the public.
Can you reverse hair thinning?
Thinning is the initial sign of baldness and it can be reversed by hair restoration treatments at initial stages of thinning. It can be reversed by some simple approaches as well which includes reducing the stressors, exploring new treatments, following a protein rich diet, considering over the counter products, and adding scalp care in daily routine. You should immediately talk to your dermatologist if you think that thinning is progressing and get the most suitable treatment started in a go to reverse thinning .
Can I get hair restoration best treatment in Lahore Pakistan?
Yes you can get from our clinic as we are performing this procedure for the last 23 years. To get an appointment you may call +923334309999
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