Repairing bad hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan
Repairing bad hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan is possible?
Operation repair for bad hair restoration result is a complex process that requires attention to intricate features of the transplant to identify the problem and coming up with an effective solution and this whole procedure is challenging not only for the surgeon but also the patient as choosing the right person for the job is essential especially after one messed up the actual transplant. Compared to a virgin scalp transplant procedure, repairing can be extremely difficult if the basic appearance is ruined. Some of these cases cannot be repaired even with relatively modern techniques like micro follicular unit extraction or body hair to head.
Repairing bad hair transplants depend largely on the actual problem with the transplant. Usually the transplant procedures go wrong as either negligence or malpractice for which the surgeon can be sued if the patient is experiencing permanent scarring or painful side effects. Processes as advanced as laser hair transplants can cause scarring on the patient’s scalp as the laser slows down the healing process. Other less harmful problems can be imbalance hairline or incompatible grafts. The surgeon with the corrective surgery task has a big responsibility as they have to gain trust of the patient that they’re procedure will actually be effective and cure the scars as much as possible. The surgeon needs to analyze and determine which features of the previous transplant does the patient wish to reinvent. For this procedure to be an assured success the surgeon needs to set priorities of the work to be done on the recipient’s scalp to ensure satisfaction of the patient. Excessively dense or large ‘pluggy’ grafts are the common mishaps of restoration that need correction.
Repairing bad hair transplants in Lahore Pakistan require detailed diagnosis of the patient’s scalp. Errors in graft implantation resulting in hair loss occur due to lack of oxygen in the graft causing follicles in graft to fall out. These issues can be avoided with micro grafts or follicular unit grafts. These types of grafts also prevent the hairline error from occurring as with regular grafts the hairline can be too high or too low. There are a series of limiting factors that predict the success of the final outcome. When repairing a scarred scalp, donor supply is the essential part of the process as factors like donor density, scalp mobility and scalp laxity or elasticity can make things easier or difficult for the surgeon. Adequate laxity is vital for a scarred scalp as the scar can be visible especially with low density of hair. Scarring causes loss of elasticity of skin resulting in the skin being bound to deeper tissue thus lower healing rate of skin. Another issue the surgeon faces due to low laxity is when closing a wound with sutures the edges of the scar break down further widening the scar.
Also Read:- Body hair use to head in Pakistan
Repairing bad hair transplants in Lahore Pakistan involves two basic repair strategies used often together, that are removal and re-implantation, and camouflage. In camouflage, the Follicle Unit transplant is used. A technique that is initially advised to be used for transplantation but is extremely important for repairing. The key features of this technique are that it is a single strip harvesting process with microscopic dissections and small size of the follicular units helping with lesser damage to the skin and ensuring that donor supply is utilized to its maximum. The hair content of these units is much higher than other grafts providing better density, and most importantly the follicles offer natural growth of hair resulting in the best authentic restoration possible. When camouflage solely cannot completely repair the scalp, excision (removal) and re-implantation is considered. This is mostly when error in the placement of grafts cannot be overlooked. These unacceptable appearances will only get worse if camouflaging is used. The much efficient and satisfactory approach is removal and cutting of larger grafts into small portions, even individual follicular units and reimplantation in a more distributed pattern across the scalp. This makes the hair density much more normal and reserves the donor supply as the same numbers of plugs are recycled basically. Overall a balanced appearance is achieved guaranteeing the satisfaction of the patient. This new placement of hair can be paired with camouflaging for maximum restoration of hair.
Repairing bad hair transplant cost in Lahore Pakistan
It is quite an expensive procedure as the precision and effort that it requires is to be nothing less than remarkable. However, some surgeons use their creativity for more cost-efficient techniques for those who cannot afford excessive expense especially after a hair restoration surgery which is mostly pocket emptying. Reusing previous grafts is the most efficient way to save money for the patient. This is important not only for patient satisfaction but also to help with the depression bad appearances can cause to people.
In conclusion, it is possible for pretty much everyone to get their bad transplants fixed even if they cannot afford high charging hospitals, there are personal clinics of renowned doctors who are always welcoming and accommodating to ensure a successful and satisfactory procedure of repairing bad hair transplants.
Frequently Asked Question
How can I get an appointment for fixing a bad hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan?
Getting an appointment is just a few seconds away. You need to fill the appointment form or WhatsApp close up photos where our expert surgeon will assess your problem and give you honest and unbiased opinion Free of cost.
What is the fee range of repairing bad hair restoration in Lahore Pakistan?
There is no consultation fee however cost of correction of previous procedure depends upon the nature of cosmetic problems. Sometimes simple re-implantation is required while often body or beard hair extraction is required to cover the faults. Thus procedure cost will increase. Sometimes multiple procedures are required to repair. However to give you an idea, corrective procedure cost may range 150,000 Pak rupee to 450,000 Pak Rupee.
Who is the top most hair restoration surgeon who can perform repair hair transplant surgery in Lahore Pakistan?
Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is a specialist in hair restoration and repair surgeries and did his specialization from France. He has more than 24 years experience so you can trust him and he will never disappoint you by giving his honest opinion.
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