Hair transplant using beard body hair


Hair transplant using beard body hair in Lahore Pakistan is performed routinely by Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry at Cosmoderma clinic. Scalp donor area is first priority when treating baldness. However some patients have advance level of baldness called Norwood class 6 or 7 and in such cases Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry combine scalp donor grafts plus beard or body hair use for androgenetic alopecia treatment. Non scalp donor area should not be first choice while performing procedure as their texture and growth pattern is different. These grafts should be used for mid scalp or crown area. If we will use these follicles on the front hairline, these will give artificial or un natural look. Beard and body hair can also be used in repair or corrective procedures, donor area scars filling.

Beard to head hair transplant in Pakistan

Beard to head hair restoration surgery in Pakistan is performed in selected cases where donor area is inadequate for repair procedures. Normally this area follicles are strong and thick in nature and should wisely be used in the mid scalp or crown area of head. Beard can give 1200 to 1800 grafts however in some cases where density would be good, Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry can extract 1800 to 2500 grafts. Beard to head hair restoration procedure in Pakistan clinic selection is important and should be done with research as you do not have any chance for mistake.

Beard donor area preparation
Post op donor area one day later

Beard to scalp hair transplant results

Beard to scalp hair transplant results depends upon hair restoration surgeon experience, qualification and skill. Surgeon should know basic orientation of angle of exit and root direction inside the skin. If hair restoration surgeon is routinely performing non scalp donor area extraction, there should be minimum transaction or wastage. If surgeon did not have any previous experience of beard hair extraction, your procedure may end up poor results and disappointment.

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Hair transplant using beard body hair Lahore Pakistan

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