Necrosis after hair transplant

Necrosis after hair transplant


Necrosis after hair transplant is a rare complication. Hair restoration now is one of the most common surgical procedures. It is a surgical hair restoration procedure that increases the chances of post-op complications Unlike, other aesthetic surgeries it has some common and some extreme side effects like necrosis in the transplanted area that can cause life threatening issues as well. Necrosis whereas is one of the rare issues found and can now be treated. It is as complicated as it can lead to cancers as well so it must be treated carefully and with skilled knowledge of treatment by dermatologists.


·         scalp necrosis after hair transplant:

Scalp necrosis is very rare and occurs when there is an increased number of recipient grafts on the hair transplanted area and can cause further other serious complications that may include devascularization of some deep wounded areas on the scalp. Its major causes may include either pre-existing conditions like smoking, diabetes, long term baldness, exposure to sunlight for a long period of time etc. Or by poor surgical techniques such as a large area of grafting site, many hair follicles on the transplanted site, excessive use of hormones (example: epinephrine), recipients sites placed too closely. Chances of scalp Necrosis can be increased and can be caused during Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), extraction of hair follicles during the Follicular Unit Extraction procedure, and the increased number of transplanted hair follicles at the recipient site.

·           how to treat necrosis after hair transplant:

The aim of evaluating the use of nitroglycerine topically in the condition of necrosis that occurs after a hair implant surgery is one of the major treatments which is now in use by the dermatologist. A nitroglycerine is sprayed in the necrotic area and can also be applied before hair transplantation surgery to avoid necrosis. It has shown positive results in 83% of the cases and now is widely used by dermatologists. Although still research is going on to avoid these kinds of serious issues.

·           What should not be done after hair transplant?

Following are the things that should be avoided after a hair implantation surgery procedure:

Do not sleep flat or by the side of your stomach or scratch your new hairline against a pillow or your bed. Don’t wash your hair for at least 3 days or minimum 48 hours. Do not dye your hair or to apply any kind of hair treatment once you get a hair transplant surgery for a specific number of days. Itchiness is a common symptom or complication for the first few days so don’t scratch your scalp. Do not Wear any kind hats or caps for the first three days. The solidification of transplanted hair requires three to four days and is a natural process. During this time, it is best to keep anything from touching your head. Do not expose your scalp to sunlight for at least a week after surgery. Don’t engage yourself in a heavy workout that may cause heavy sweating, do not use alcohol, and must avoid smoking strictly. Don’t be alarmed if you get swelling or experience swelling after 3 to 4 days of surgery as it is normal. Do not take extra therapies or medication for general complications other than prescribed by your doctor or dermatologist. Do not apply ice on the transplanted area, as due to itching you will want to touch or scrap that area, but it should be completely avoided strictly.

·         When should scabs come off after hair transplant?

The recipient or graft sides will form scabs within 2 to 4 days or 24 to 74 hours after surgery and the scabs will ultimately fall after 3 to 10 days. Normally, as the scabs fall off you will notice that the hair will start falling or shedding with it. Do scratch the graft as it can cause great damage to the transplanted graft. If scabbing occurs beyond 14 days then you may not be doing shampoo properly. Precautions in shampooing, etc. are to be adhered to during this time.

·            How long until hair grafts are secure?

Like plants, hair grafts get fragile once they get transported or shifted to another location or place to which it has grown so it will take some time for the grafts to grow normally in the located area. A 14 day period is required for the transplanted hair or graft to get secure and will make you come to a normal day routine. But once the hair grafts get normally secure it should be treated with gentle care for a specific period to avoid complications. If you are facing any complication or side effect and want to get an honest opinion from our qualified surgeon you may get an appointment for free check up.