FUE Vs Strip hair transplant comparison
People have become very particular about their baldness and now “hair transplant” which sounds like a miracle to them had made life easier. It is the remarkable solution in order to gain lost hair. Every Second person is going for this procedure, due to the advent of latest research many new techniques have risen, the main question is weather to go for “FUE” which is termed as (follicular unit transplant) or Strip surgery ?” Both the techniques are almost the same; the point that differentiates them is the extraction of follicles, which is the first step in any process. The donor hair are extracted from the back and the sides of the head, where usually hair are present even after one gets bald.
How Fue procedure performed?
In Follicular Unit Extraction, with the help of small equipment follicles are extracted individually, no skin is removed during this process as the follicles are separated one at a time and after being separated they are ready to be transplanted in the respective area without leaving any major scars .There is no bleeding in this procedure, moreover follicles can be taken from any area of the body which increase the supply of donor follicles making it more favorable to be used as compared to strip method. Moreover this is considered as a less painful procedure than strip transplant. Quick recovery and less discomfort after this procedure. Maximum number of grafts can be harvested due to more donor area availability.
Reasons people not prefer strip hair transplant in Pakistan
On the other hand in the strip technique, follicles are removed from the back area of the head and the skin is again stitched back after the follicles are removed and once all the follicles are removed they are ready to be transplanted in the recipient area. This is one major point that differentiates both of them. Moreover this is termed as a invasive procedure as compared to FUE as there is more bleeding involved and it leaves behind a scar at the back of the head from where follicles were extracted and causes swelling and discomfort at the area of extraction. Unlike the FUE procedure it does not have large supply of follicles, as the area from where they are extracted for this procedure is limited (they can only be extracted from the back of the head). One advantage of Strip over FUE is that it is an old procedure and finding a reliable surgeon is quite easy, hence leading to less cost. FUE is a new procedure and finding an experienced surgeon is a bit difficult ,if one fail to find a reliable surgeon the chances of follicle destruction increased to a very high rate. It is already a costly procedure and after destruction it will even add up the cost. When you see before and after result of fue hair transplant in Pakistan performed by Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry, you will easily conclude your selection for his clinic.
It is pretty evident that FUE is a much better option than the Strip, if one puts in a little more effort in finding a reliable surgeon and pays more, it is a onetime investment with long lasting impact. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is a French Board Certified hair restoration surgeon and he completed his training and qualification in Paris France. He is most experienced surgeon with 22 years proven results and treating baldness problems. He is a currently Ex- Visiting Associate Professor in France. To get an appointment for FREE advice and fue hair transplant in Pakistan is quite easy.
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