Fue hair transplant recovery

Fue hair transplant recovery takes 24 to 48 and 8 to 10 days for scabs shedding. Follicular unit extraction procedure is performed incision, scalpel free procedure. There are no more stitches involved in this hair restoration technique. No more pain and discomfort. As a result, quick recovery and rapid healing result. Patient does not need to undergo trauma of surgery and its outdoor based procedure which takes 4-6 hours. The procedure is under local anesthesia and an insulin syringe like needle is used to administer local anesthesia. There is slight pinching sensation or discomfort at the time of this anesthesia procedure. These pricks can be easily tolerated and shaved. No more worry or fear for surgery and most of them patients come in a relaxing mood and during the procedure watch some documentary or film.

Hair growth hair loss treatment without surgery

FUE hair transplant recovery day by day

you hardly need a 24-48 hours resting period and you may resume your activities next day. No more worry for swelling or bleeding. The procedure is performed with tiny punches , less than 1 mm diameter and easily extract follicular units from the donor area. As these are very tiny punctures or wounds, these can be easily healed in a few hours. Donor areas need antibiotic cream or ointment application for 2-4 days and after complete healing  no need to apply any more.

Fue hair transplant recovery donor area

There are many reasons to opt for Fue hair transplant in Pakistan from Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry for this procedure.

  1. He is the most experienced hair restoration surgeon and performed such kinds of surgeries for the last 22 years.
  2. He is a French Board of hair restoration certified surgeon which is the highest qualification in this field.
  3. He is a visiting Associate professor in Lyon 1 University France due to his skill, qualification and competency
  4. He has a proven record of FUE hair transplant Lahore results, patients and reviews from previously treated patients.
  5. Due to his experience very less wastage of follicular units as compared to other clinics.
  6. He is trained and qualified from Paris France and has vast exposure and experience to work with different international surgeons from France.

Conclusion: Follicular unit extraction is an easy and least invasive procedure and its recovery is quick. One should visit Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry for  Fue hair transplant in Pakistan and get his honest and unbiased opinion.

Fue hair transplant recovery timeline  

Fue procedure donor area recovery takes 24 to 72 hours due to micro size of punches. As this technique’s recovery & healing is rapid and results are excellent so many people prefer this technique.

We Can Help You
To get an appointment call his clinic +92-333-430-9999 or you can submit a contact form.

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